Monday, August 11, 2008


Wow! I got a lot of feedback for my previous blog. A few angry words, a few threats and a few sympathies. So, first of all DISCLAIMER. The guy I wrote about in the previous blog is definitely NOT me. The blog is NOT directed towards any particular person. It was intended to be generic. All the experiences recorded in the blog are NOT fictional also and resemblance to any person(living) proves that I am right!

This is all because of my company. A few days back, I
got an SMS. It said that an organization is like a tree full of Monkeys. All on different branches, at different levels. Some climbing up and some climbing down. The monkeys on the top look down and see a tree full of smiling monkey faces. The monkeys below look up and see nothing but a$$ h0
£€$. This is quite true at my work place. I work as a software engineer for this big multinational company (which I don't want to name and spoil the brand name). The company is so good that they have decided not to make me (and people like me around here) work. This has pushed me to cultivate a lot of hobbies like blogging, watching movies, listening to music, chatting, orkutting, jogging etc. Slow down is such a nice time to relax.

Recently, I had grown a beard which had been the center of attraction and criticism. It was interesting to see what all people branded me for a patch of facial hair. I was
scolded, threatned and emotionally blackmailed to shave it off. For all those people who slung mud on my innocent beard, go find something else, I got rid of it.

I can't think of anything controversial right now. I will end this here. I hope that the recession continues to give me enough time to enjoy blogging.


Anonymous said...

Finally you got some time to scratch, mess up with girls and do some crappy work.. hmm cool..

Imagining you with beard seems like world's dnagerous man - Osama Bin Laden.. hahahha Just kiddin .. Enjoy your resting days dude..

Shashank said...

Maga! Thats one the branding I used to get :(

Seriously man! Bench sucks! :(